Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Latest jams

G.I.S.M.-Performance of War CD

Ever since the semester ended I haven't been reviewing much music, maybe if someone suggests something they want to see me review, I will do so! With that being said, I'm still jamming music all of the time, so here's a couple albums that have been on constant rotation with me as of late!

1. Ratatat- LP3 If you like catchy electronica or Mogwai, then you'll dig this one for sure.
2. Pg. 99- Document #8 This is real screamo out of VA, very melodic. When it hits, IT HITS. See "Life in a box."
3. G.I.S.M- Performance of War Gism has probably garnered the highest acclaim as far as Japanese Hardcore of the late '70s and early '80s goes. While most people opted to listen to Gism's M.A.N. (Military Affairs Neurotic)album, I was always more into their raw punk stuff like Endless Blockades for the Pussyfooter and ABC Weapons, but don't get me wrong, M.A.N. is an amazing album! Plus if you know me, you know I wear a Gism hoodie everyday!
4. Orchid-Chaos is Me Orchid is the hardest hitting screamo band of all time in my opinion, so much that I almost consider them more hardcore than screamo. Check out the most creative intro I've ever heard in the album opener "Le Desordre, C'est Moi!" and see if it gives you the chills like it gave me the first time I heard it!

So those are the albums I've had playing lately, but I've got a few songs that I've been listening to a lot lately, also.

Bachman Turner-Overdrive- Let it Ride.
Pentagram- Be Forewarned
Beck-Gamma Ray
Queen-Killer Queen
Band of Horses- The Funeral
The Smiths- What Difference Does it Make
Elliott Smith- Kiwi Maddog 20/20

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